Start with your free 30-minute discovery call to learn more about how ADHD coaching can help you get out of your own way and be unapologetically YOU 🪩

During this call, we will discuss:
・what ADHD coaching is & what you can expect out of coaching
・a bit about you & what you would like to accomplish
・session logistics (i.e. scheduling and payment)
・any questions you have
・which coaching package is right for you




“The Works”

This package includes:
・12 weekly 1-hour 1:1 sessions
・Coaching tracker document to track progress, resources, and tools
・Focuses on areas affected most by executive dysfunction, including self-awareness, problem-solving, motivation, impulsivity, memory, emotional regulation, and additional topic(s) of your choice
・Ad hoc 1-hour 1:1 sessions at a reduced rate after package completion

Price: $1200* USD

*if cost is a barrier, please reach out or book a discovery call to discuss sliding scale or other funding options

Book your free 30-minute discovery call now to get started!

“The Starter

Try out ADHD coaching with:
・6 weekly 1-hour 1:1 sessions
・Coaching tracker document to track progress, resources, and tools
・Focuses on “The Works” package topics + additional topic(s) of your choice

Price: $700* USD

Note: if you choose to upgrade to “The Works” package, this purchase will be credited toward the full 12-session cost

*if cost is a barrier, please reach out or book a discovery call to discuss sliding scale or other funding options

Book your free 30-minute discovery call now to get started!


    Working with Neely has been a truly life-changing experience. From our very first session, she created a safe and non-judgmental space where I immediately felt seen, understood, and accepted. She’s great at asking powerful, insightful, and absolutely mindblowing questions that help you get to the heart of things quickly. She asks questions that encourage you to think about, “But what if it doesn’t have to be this way?” Her thoughtful approach helped me quickly uncover and address deep-seated issues that had been holding me back for years.

    Instead of simply offering advice, Neely collaborated with me to develop personalized tools and techniques tailored to my specific needs, so that I could start living my truest most authentic self. It wasn’t about following society's expectations or trying to fit in. She worked with me to create routines and systems that honored my needs. She guided me through a major career transition, when life felt very upside down. She helped me establish firm boundaries that significantly reduced my burnout and improved my work-life balance. With her support, I was able to develop routines for better sleep and even created a sustainable weekly menu plan.

    After a lifetime of masking, Neely empowered me to reframe my mindset, allowing me to finally see and advocate for myself. Today, I no longer feel the need to hide who I am or my needs in any aspect of my life. Thanks to Neely, I feel confident and whole for the first time ever. If you’re seeking an ADHD coach who truly understands and supports you, I highly recommend Neely—she’s the bee’s knees.

    - 1:1 Coaching Client


    You give tools, not solutions. That might sound counterintuitive for healing/growing but those of us that have grown up neurodivergent (and undiagnosed) are drowning in solutions most of our lives. And guess what? No solution, no matter how thorough or well intentioned, ever works. Not always, and not all the way. Bc our "symptoms" are not problems to be fixed - they are innate patterns in our brains. So instead of approaching from a framework of "how can you fix yourself?" You approach from a framework of "how do you make these patterns work for what you need?" It eliminates shame, and failure from the equation. And it fucking works - I am not fixed but I am figuring out how to thrive.

    - 1:1 Coaching Client


    Working with Neely has been a game changer! Neely has helped me navigate the wild ride of my mind with humor, relatability, and practical strategies. No judgement, just genuine support. I've learned to embrace the way my mind works, stay focused on my goals, and even turn my ADHD superpowers into assets. Life feels less chaotic and a lot more manageable! 10/10 would recommend! 🙌

    - 1:1 Coaching Client


    My initial session with Neely was extremely grounding, the conversation gave me an unbiased third party perspective into my chaotic mind allowing me to gain clarity to the thoughts I was having. I've been mentally referring to the guidance given to me in the session in times of need which has personally given me a massive amount of mental relief.

    - 1:1 Coaching Client


    When I met Neely, I immediately felt “seen” by her, without judgement for all of my ND challenges. She helped me get more focus and break down the tasks into smaller chunks so I could act on them. 

    It was a pleasure spending time and working with her. 

    - 1:1 Coaching Client


    First and foremost, my perspective about myself and my life [have changed]. And by extension, my self-talk. I still have ADHD. I'm still prone to making piles all around my house and putting off shit I don't want to do, but I have established routines that keep me on track an a number of tricks/tools for getting through the hard days. And I've shifted from beating myself up about my perceived shortcomings (I'm messy! There's always dishes in the sink! I'm always late! etc) to understanding that these things I've been conditioned to feel shame around are, first, morally neutral and second, related to my disability. So I can meet myself where I'm at and use my energy to figure out accommodations instead of to try to force my brain to work against itself.

    Plus, fidget toys. I have fidget toys now! 

    - 1:1 Coaching Client


  • An ADHD coach is a life coach who is trained to help individuals with ADHD to better manage their lives and meet their professional and personal goals. Oftentimes, neurotypical coaching (i.e. life coaching for someone who does not have ADHD) is not as helpful for ADHDers and the way our brains work, hence ADHD coaching was developed to fulfill that need.

  • While therapy tends be offered long-term with a focus on understanding and healing from events in your past, coaching tends to be short-term and focused on your future and goal-setting. While there is often overlap between the 2 modalities, you may find one is better for your current situation than the other, or perhaps utilizing both at once would be your ideal level of support.

    My approach is therapeutic and trauma-informed in nature, as I aim to create a safe space and may explore relevant aspects of your past as they relate to your goals and future-planning.

  • This largely depends on what you hope to achieve through coaching. While my executive functioning framework is developed to address areas of life that many ADHDers are likely to struggle with, there is no requirement to stick to those topics. Session time is for you, and how you choose to spend that time will be based on your unique goals and aspirations.

  • The purpose of a discovery call is for you to learn more about me & my services, ask any questions you might have, and to discuss a general idea of what you’d like to accomplish through ADHD coaching. This call gives us the opportunity to get a feel for one another and ensure we are in alignment before moving forward.

  • Whether you are professionally diagnosed with ADHD, self-diagnosed with ADHD, another flavor of neurodivergence, or just starting to explore the possibility of being neurodivergent, I would be happy to meet with you to discuss your goals and determine, together, if my services are in alignment with your current needs.

  • My listed coaching rates are intended for private pay clients (i.e. those who aren’t receiving funding through their employer, Access to Work, or other external source). In an effort to ensure accessibility for a limited number of sliding scale clients, your quote may be higher if you are pursuing external funding. We will discuss this in detail during your discovery call.

    If you are paying privately and find my rates to be inaccessible for you, please reach out or book a discovery call to explore sliding scale or other funding options.

  • UK residents (aged 16 or older with an employer based in England, Scotland, or Wales) that qualify for an Access to Work grant are able to shop for a coach they’d like to work with and request direct funding and/or reimbursement for their coaching sessions (alongside a ton of other life-changing resources!). Click here for an ADHD-friendly guide to applying for Access to Work by Leanne Maskell. If you aren’t sure about applying, book a free discovery call with me and I’ll be happy to support you with the process!