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Body Double Power Hour

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FREE Body Doubling session every Monday with Neely!

Mondays @ 9am PDT / 11am CDT / 12pm EDT / 5pm BST / 6pm CEST

What is body doubling?
Body doubling (also referred to as coworking) is a tool used often in neurodivergent communities to help with task initiation and completion. Typically, this involves meeting (either virtually or in-person) with 1 or more others for a specified amount of time, setting an intention for the task(s) you want to work on for the session, then getting to work. There is usually a break half-way through and attendees are asked to check in about their progress at the end of the session to encourage accountability.

Why does body doubling work?
For many neurodivergent folks, seeing others being productive can help motivate us to be productive ourselves. Don't knock it till you try it. Can I join if I'm neurotypical? Absolutely! All neurotypes can benefit from body doubling, it's just been fully embraced by lots of neurodivergent folks as a method to support executive functioning.

How will these sessions work?
11:00 - join the Zoom meeting
11:00-11:05ish - set session intentions (by 'raising hand' & unmuting or typing in the chat)
11:05-11:30 - focus time (while muted, with camera on if possible)
11:30-11:35 - quick group break (may involve a group activity or spend it how you like)
11:35-11:55 - focus time (while muted, with camera on if possible)
11:55-12:00 - check in on progress (by 'raising hand' & unmuting or typing in the chat) before wrapping up the session

What if I join late?
No worries! Come and go as you please - all I ask is that you remain on camera as much as possible and stay muted during the designated focus times. If you join late, feel free to throw your intentions in the chat and get right to work.

Is this the only body doubling session you host?
This is the only free weekly session I host fully independently. You can also catch me hosting Focus Sessions through the Tiimo app @ 5pm CDT every weekday!

April 22

Body Double Power Hour

May 2

Neurodivergent Book Club